I was looking for the lowest-priced cellular shades I could find, and this website ended up at the top of my short list.
Given how much less expensive they were than every other seller I researched (especially with the MASSIVE spend-more-save-more discount), I didn't have high hopes, but I was genuinely impressed with what we received in the end. Sure, the budget quality is noticeable in some areas; they're almost suspiciously lightweight, the mounting hardware isn't terribly robust, and little things like the endcaps have to be self-installed, but overall it's a good value for money. The setup was dead simple too: pop the endcaps on, put in a few screws, and pop the blinds on.
(Pro tip: pre-drill the screws, otherwise the screws are likely to split thin window casings)
My one gripe with the fully installed shades is that they often end up unlevel when adjusting the shade height; very often I have to use two hands and tug one side or the other of the bottom rail back into square, but it's a minor sacrifice I can live with given how cheaply we got our whole house done.
Overall, I stand by my choices and would recommend this seller to anyone trying to get window dressings on a budget, and perfect quality isn't a dealbreaker.
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